Romeo (The Alpha Elite #3) Sybil Bartel 2022

Romeo (The Alpha Elite #3)

Pilot. Handler. Marine. My first memory was in the cockpit of a plane. My second was of a uniform. All I’d ever wanted was to be a pilot. The Marines gave me wings and I gave them my all. Half a dozen deployments, countless flight hours—I knew the controls in the cockpit better than I knew my own name. I never made mistakes. But war didn’t care how good you were. One surface-to-air missile and my career was over. Thinking I’d left dangerous missions and adrenaline rushes in my rearview, I was piloting a seaplane in the Florida Keys when a beat to hell, dark-eyed blonde washed ashore. In nothing but a bikini, she asked me for help. Help I couldn’t give without an assist from Alpha Elite Security. Except AES wanted a favor in return… one that would put me right back in the line of fire. Code name: Romeo. Mission: Rescue.

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