
The Half Burnt House

Alex North | 2023

Katie Shaw always looked after her younger brother Chris - until she left him alone one carefree afternoon and he was savagely attacked. He hasn't spoken to her since. Now a mo...

Eikite ir telydi jus šviesa

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov | 2018

Šioje knygoje autorius kalba apie įvairius įšventintųjų mokymo aspektus. Jis sako: ,, Klausimai, kurie mums kyla, visada liks tokie patys : mes turime suprasti, kokie esame žmon...

Pavojingos gydytojų klaidos

Robertina Ostapenkienė | 2023

,, Neieškokite patarimų ar receptų, kaip tapti sveikiasniam, čia jų beveik nėra. Knygą rašiau atviros širdies ir sąmoningam žmogui bei tam, kuris pasiduoda provokacijoms, vildam...

The Tearsmith

Erin Doom | 2024

The bestselling international sensation, coming soon to Netflix, now in English for the first time—a dark, sexy, haunting novel of two very damaged teens who are taken in by the...

Gydytojai miršta kitaip

Vilius Kočiubaitis | 2021

Kokie santykiai tarp gydytojo ir paciento sergančioje, vartotojiškoje visuomenėje? Ką iš tikrųjų išgyvena gydytojai, kaip toli savo darbe jie priversti atitolti nuo Hipokrato pr...

Kepti žalieji pomidorai Vistlo stotelės kavinėje

Fannie Flagg | 2023

Paprastas ir paveikus klasikinis romanas apie draugystę, lojalumą ir paslaptis. Veiksmas vyksta XX a. ketvirtojo dešimtmečio Amerikos pietuose. Dvi moterys: suvargusi, nuolat l...

Pan de limón con semillas de amapola

Cristina Campos | 2016

Durante el invierno de 2010, en un pequeño pueblo del interior de Mallorca, Anna y Marina, dos hermanas que fueron separadas en su juventud, se reencuentran para vender una pan...

Kai tavo veidas išnyksta dūmuose

Caitlin Doughty | 2022

Mirtis jaudina, ar ne? Mes ir bijome, ir norime kuo daugiau sužinoti apie mirtį. Nors gal labiau bijome? Ne, iš tiesų – labiau norime. Ir šį norą su kaupu patenkina Caitlin Doug...

Mad Honey

Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan | 2022

Olivia McAfee knows what it feels like to start over. Her picture-perfect life—living in Boston, married to a brilliant cardiothoracic surgeon, raising their beautiful son, Ashe...

Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

Daniel Quinn | 1995

The narrator of this extraordinary tale is a man in search for truth. He answers an ad in a local newspaper from a teacher looking for serious pupils, only to find himself al...

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things

Bryn Greenwood | 2016

As the daughter of a meth dealer, Wavy knows not to trust people, not even her own parents. Struggling to raise her little brother, eight-year-old Wavy is the only responsible "...

Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe

Fannie Flagg | 2012

Folksy and fresh, endearing and affecting, Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is a now-classic novel about two women: Evelyn, who’s in the sad slump of middle age, an...

A Face Like Glass

Frances Hardinge | 2017

In the underground city of Caverna, the world's most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare—wines that remove memories, cheeses that make you...

The Order of Time

Carlo Rovelli | 2018

Why do we remember the past and not the future? What does it mean for time to “flow”? Do we exist in time or does time exist in us? In lyric, accessible prose, Carlo Rovelli inv...

River Sing Me Home

Eleanor Shearer | 2023

The master of the Providence plantation in Barbados gathers his slaves and announces the king has decreed an end to slavery. As of the following day, the Emancipation Act of 183...